Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bump on my head

So what happens when your little fella runs like a bat out of hell past you and round the corner into our little hallway and suddenly opens his eyes to find that your bedroom door is shut just one second before impact!

Well he goes from this happy little fella to....

The first bump was when he made impact with the doorhandle and the second one was about a fraction of a second latter as he hit the side door flame. Bummer it must of flamin' hurt the poor little fella.

But not much latter but with a little face wash, Some ice on the scone and a fair hit with the old Baby Penadole, And he was as good as knew. If you don't count the massive bump on the head!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ever shawn a sheep?

My dad told me he has never shown a sheep but he was going to give it a go on me, well that didn't make me any more happy with the idea but he said 'We'll give it a burl'. So with that he got out the shears and started to skin me!

Stone the flamin' crows


Sunday, April 15, 2007

No 3 turns 3

Now you know why we call him bluey
Happy birthday little man

This is the little bloke at his party he had a beaut time just hanging out with his mates